Don't Be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams

I am a dreamer. But not so much a doer.

I have all kinds of ideas about what I want my life to be like, but no plan to make these dreams come true.

I want that to change.

For years now, actually more like my entire life (or as far back as I can remember) I've always had big dreams. I wanted to be a model for a little while, from the time I learned to read/write I wanted to be a writer. Most recently I thought I might like to go back to school and become a nail tech (I would still love to do this, but I can't handle it's a lost cause).

But most recently I've been thinking about starting my own photography business. Actually, longer than recently. For several years I've been thinking about doing this.

I love to take pictures. I love it probably more than any hobby I've ever had.

Any time someone says they want pictures taken of their kid, I volunteer. I recently took pictures of my niece because my sister in law wanted some milk bath pictures of her.

I mean, only half of that was me, this kid is insanely photogenic. But still, I loved this whole process! I took pictures of Dawn for homecoming last year.

I love taking pictures so much that my husband bought me a semi-professional camera. A Nikon D3500. I am obsessed with it. Every chance I get I bust it out and take pictures.

I don't have the fanciest equipment. Not even close actually. But I love the pictures I take and I love looking back at them knowing I took them.

I've recently decided that to follow my dreams, I'm going to have to just suck it up and take the plunge no matter how crazy I look when I do it. I'm going to start my own little photography business. I'll start off with my nieces and nephews. But eventually, I'd like to move up newborn photography and maybe maternity/birth shoots. Taking pictures of babies is my favorite thing!

Maybe someday I'll actually get paid to do that lol.

But that's my dream.

What's your dream?
