Staying Positive Around Negative People

I love this quote.

I am not one of those happy and upbeat/bubbly people. But I've thought of myself as a pretty happy person. I have always been the one in the room that gets along with everyone. The older I get, however, the harder it is to get along with everyone.

When I was in high school I was the one that everyone got along with. I was friendly with all of the cliques. I had a core group of friends, but I knew everyone and could be friendly with everyone. My grandparents taught me that. You didn't have to be best friends with everyone, but you needed to be nice and polite.

I've carried that with me into adulthood. I've gotten along with the majority of my co-workers. It was only until the last couple of years that I've found it harder to get along with co-workers. I find it funny because my previous jobs I was surrounded by teenagers, I got along with them far better than the 50-year-old women I've been surrounded by recently.

I just find them to be so insanely negative.

The way our business office is situated I am in a position to hear pretty much everything said in the office. I have mom ears also, so that helps me hear everything. Not that I'm listening all the time. But I can't help it.

I listen to this woman huffing and puffing because are asking her questions. I hear her speaking to people on the phone like they're morons and then slamming the phone down and sighing loudly because she was made to do her job.

My old supervisor told me when I first started this new position that I would bring some positivity to the room. Maybe someone would actually smile sometimes in there.

I've been in this new position for 9 months now. I'm not that in love with it, I'll be totally honest. But part of the issue is that I am surrounded by negative people constantly. I have never had this experience before.

So, I've been attempting to come up with different ways to bring the positivity to the room. I smile and talk to people who come in. I laugh and joke with people. I try to be as upbeat as I can be.

I distance myself from the people that are negative. I'm aware that seems like it would be difficult since I actually work in close proximity to them. Trust me, friends, it's difficult. But, I do it.

The best thing I can think to do when surrounded by negative people in an office environment is put in those earbuds and put on your favorite music.

The first thing I did when I got this position was to download Spotify on my computer. It was the best decision I have made since getting this position. It allows me to tune out anyone around me. Anyone that might be attempting to bring their negative attitudes to my area. Anyone that might be attempting to bring their negative energy into my positive bubble. I put my music on, be it Backstreet Boys or some Country, I enter my own world and am able to focus on what my job is and not let someone's bad mood ruin mine.

Something else I do is to not sweat the small stuff. I know sometimes that can be easier said than done. In this current position, there are so many times I feel as though I've done everything right and it's just not what the person wanted. I am very laid back by nature and I felt myself becoming more and more anxious about what someone would say/do/think of the work I was putting forth. I don't do that anymore. I do my best, but when it comes to most tasks, I do not sweat it. Once I believe I'm done with something, I let myself be done with it. I don't worry about what someone will say later, I've done my best and if that's not good enough they are more than welcome to do it themselves.

Maybe that's not the best approach to take, but your job (especially in office settings where lives are not at risk) should never give you anxiety. I will never again stress about things that are out of my control. Not at work.

If you are not able to listen to music or put things out of your mind, I suggest getting out of the office for a little while. I know is cost-effective to go out for lunch every day, but sometimes, when people are really testing your energy, it might be good to head out of the building for that lunch break. Sometimes 30 minutes away from a situation can bring a lot more calm to your bubble. I like to take a couple days and just get out of the office for a little while. Even if you don't leave the property, eat that sack lunch in your car while listening to the radio. Do something to get your mind off the negative people surrounding you. It will work wonders for your mood. Trust me.

Those are just a few of the things I try to do to make sure my positive energy is not drowned out by the negative people that surround me at work.
