"So a buddy of mine asked me if I want his dog today" is what my husband said about a month ago as he sat down on our couch. I'm not sure what came over me but my answer instead of absolutely not, was what kind of dog is it?
To know me is to know that I love animals. Pretty much every animal (except snakes and opossums and rodents). I was the kid bringing home the strays. Hell I'm the adult bringing home the strays. But if you know me, you also know that only one dog has ever held my heart.
I got that dude when he was just 5 weeks old. He was with me through a break up, a pregnancy, the loss of my grandpa, and so many more things that happened from 2005 to when I lost him in 2019. When he was gone I said that's it, I don't want another dog. I don't want another anything. I closed off every emotion I had to any other animal. I didn't wish them ill will but I also didn't want them around. I could not bring myself to get attached. The thought felt like I was betraying my boy.
That was until my husband came home that day.
The breed of dog was a Cane Corso (Connie Corso).
I hadn't owned a large dog since we rehomed a Pitbull mix we had dumped on us by a neighbor. That was probably 15 years ago. So, I researched a little, and then my husband suggested we keep him over the weekend and see if we could handle him and how he fit with our family. We have small kids now, we don't want a big dog running them over all the time. I agreed.
It was minute five that I fell in love with him.
The poor guy didn't even have a name yet, my husbands friend just got him the week or so prior and decided he couldn't handle a puppy.
My husband wanted to name him Gustav. But then we shortened it to Gus...like the mouse in Cinderella, because he's just a little guy! Or he was.
I was afraid to let another dog into my heart, but the right one chose us I guess because I love him so much! He's so smart! Already house broke at four months old. He know sit, wait, calm down, and drop it. He loves pig ears and beggin strips. His favorite toy is a skunk and a ball. He is going to be a great protector. He already gets between me and everyone else. He is 100% my boy.
I'm still learning new things about the breed but he's an amazing dog so far!

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