When I think about the kids returning to school for this upcoming year, all I can think is there's so much more room for activities from Step Brothers. Because have you ever tried to do something engaging and enjoyable in the summer with toddlers? No? Let me break it down for you friends.
You will bust your rear to get out of the house to arrive at minimum 15 minutes before an establishment opens its doors and begins allowing you in. You do this because you want to beat the rush of other moms with their school aged children barreling through the doors, taking out your toddler to get to whatever activity it is that you are also there for.
You will inevitably end up leaving long before you had planned to because of said larger children taking up the space in the establishment. Your toddlers will complain even though they are having a great time when they're not being shoved out of the way and having toys stolen from them by seven year olds (whose parents are sitting in a corner on their phone).
It's best to do all the fun things in the fall, between the hours of 8am-2pm. Once school lets out, all bets are off once again.
Today, we ventured to the Peoria Playhouse. A spot I've taken Maggie before and I believe I went once after Walter was born (they don't allow strollers though so I haven't been since (they have you park them outside on the porch...no thanks). It was an enjoyable experience! There were a couple moms there that didn't appear to be having any fun or maybe they thought their kid needed the area more than mine? I don't know. Either way, it was a good time!
I love getting out of the house and going to places like this with the babies. They get to run off some energy and end up either taking good naps on the way home (sometimes I can even transfer Walter to his bed!) or they go to bed early. Both things happened today! This place is great for kids I'd say 1yr-5yrs. It's three levels, the main level is a homestead/farm with a barn, farm equipment, and a little house. The the basement is set up like a little town complete with theater, lab, doctors office, and post office. There's a train station and a water works spot that is a favorite of all the children who attend!
The very top level is just a little reading loft above the homestead/farm.
There are even CAT tractors and a dinosaur digging area with kinetic sand. Honestly it's a hit every time I've been there.
We liked it so much today that while my husband was with us, he bought the membership so we can continue our adventures there during the winter too! I don't know about other moms but I find winter to be the hardest to find something to entertain the kids. Both of them love to be outside and active but it gets pretty cold in thee parts and I'm not willing to sit on the porch and freeze to death (or sweat to death to be honest). But being able to be in an open space to let them run? Yes please!
Not only do you get in free as a member but you also have member only days (Tuesdays) and you get into a bunch of other places free or half off! I'm into all of that!
Of course I vlogged the whole thing. (click picture below)
If you're in the area with small people you should 100% check it out for yourself. You will not be disappointed.
As long as it's during the school year!

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